BOYS.BANK ツイッター@BoysBank_video
专为那些想看直男淫荡的人创建的新标签 [Onataring EX] CASE:04
A new label created just for those who want to see straight men's lasciviousness [Onataring EX] CASE:04

「普段のオナニーをお金に変えてみませんか?」そんな甘い誘いにイケメン達がこぞって順番待ちの【オナタリングEX】 今回は色黒の超筋肉現役アスリート!!しかも一重の爽やかカッコいいルックスにデカマラの超美チン!!
这一次,他是一个黑皮肤、超级肌肉发达的运动员! 这是一个了解你周围人的好方法。
This time, he's a dark-skinned, super-muscular active athlete! In addition, he has a fresh and cool look with a single layer of skin, and a huge, beautiful cock!

我们要求他选择一张DVD并开始监测。 当他在选择DVD的时候,他的裤裆肿了起来。
I asked him to choose a DVD and start monitoring. While he was choosing, his crotch was swelling up.

她蠕动着她的龟头。 她开始在路上使用自慰器,但她不能射得太用力,因为她似乎来得太快了。
I'm going to use a masturbator. She starts to use a masturbator in the middle of the scene, but she seems to come too soon and can't cum as hard.

お尻型のオナホに変えヌルヌルのデカマラを出し入れ、、し始めたら「あ、、」「え??」イキそうになり、あわててオナホから抜いたケド、、手も添えてない亀頭から真っ白な精子がダラダラどくどく溢れてきちゃってる!! !!「あー!!」…。で、恥ずかしそうに「もう一回お願いします、、」と苦笑い^^; 休憩する?と聞くも大丈夫です!と^^
我把自慰器换成了屁股形状的自慰器,开始在自慰器里抽插我那滑溜溜的大鸡巴,我几乎马上就高潮了。 我急忙把它从自慰器里拔出来,但是白色的精液没有经过我的手就从龟头里涌出来了。 她羞涩地笑了笑,说:"请再来一次。 你想休息一下吗? 我问她是否想休息一下,但她很好! 我很好!
I changed to a butt-shaped masturbator and started pumping my big, slippery cock in and out of the masturbator and almost came right away. She smiled shyly and said, "One more time, please. Do you want to take a break? I asked her if she wanted to take a break, but she was fine! I was like, "No problem!

今度はオナホの穴の気持ち良さを何度も堪能し、ゆっくり、激しく腰を振るアスリート☆ いやらしく揺れるパツんパツんの太腿にプリんプリんのお尻が堪りません!!
The athlete shakes her hips slowly and violently, enjoying the feeling of the masturbator's hole again and again. I can't wait to see her buttocks swaying in delight.

He sprayed me with the same thick sperm at the end with his erotic breath.

精力が有り余っている体育会は正義です 笑 撮影後に「このオナホ、ヤバ過ぎます 笑。貰っていってもいいすか??」と最後はお持ち帰りされちゃいました…。。
一个精力旺盛的体操运动员就是正义。 拍摄结束后,她说:"这个自慰器感觉太好。 我可以拥有它吗? 拍摄结束后,她问是否可以把它带回家。
A gymnast with an abundance of energy is justice. After the shooting, she said, "This masturbator feels too good. Can I have it? And in the end, she took it home with her.

The main model also wears a mask in the film.
2024-04-07 14:48男らしくてかっこいい