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31:29 | 2024-08-23 00:00:00


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●We give high quality original videos to those who purchase our videos and give us a "review" and a "rating".

Please send us a message from the "product page" stating that you "would like to receive an original video" after you purchase a product and give us a review and evaluation.


● 我们给那些购买视频并给我们一个'评论'和'评价'的人提供高质量的原创视频。



专为那些想看直男淫荡的人创建的新标签 [Onataring EX] CASE:122
A new label created just for those who want to see straight men's lasciviousness [Onataring EX] CASE:122

今回は雨の中、爽やかイケメンを発見!!いつものように簡単なアンケートで謝礼が、と話すとすんなりOK!! 早速ルームへ誘導です^^♪

This time I found a refreshingly handsome man in the rain. As usual, I told him that there was a reward for doing a simple survey, and he readily agreed.
这一次,我在雨中找到了一位清爽帅气的男子。 当我告诉他,像往常一样,做一个简单的问卷调查就有奖励时,他欣然同意了,我赶紧把他领到房间。


He is a very handsome college student who is 178 cm tall, weighs 62 kg, age 20, and plays basketball. Of course, he keeps getting more and more gratuities and taking off his clothes.
他是一个非常帅气的大学生,身高 178 厘米,体重 62 公斤,今年 20 岁,打篮球。 当然,他得到的酬金越来越多,脱掉的衣服也越来越多。



She has a neat look, nicely split abs, and an erotic lower body because she plays basketball. She has a sexy ass and thick, muscular thighs.
她长相清秀,腹肌分明,因为打篮球,她的下半身也很性感。 性感的屁股和粗壮、肌肉发达的大腿。


She was so busy with club activities that she could not get a part-time job and seemed to be short of money, so she negotiated with us that if she showed us her usual masturbation, we would double our offer! I negotiated with her, and she was completely naked.
她忙于俱乐部活动,没有兼职工作,似乎很缺钱,所以如果她向我展示她正常的自慰方式,我就会让她的自慰次数翻倍,甚至更多! 她忙于俱乐部活动,没有多少钱去工作,所以她愿意展示她正常的自慰方式,并获得更多!


If you've come this far, it's our pace. I heard that she is usually an S person, so why don't you try to be one-sidedly blamed this time? I'll try to help her.
如果你能走到这一步,那就是我们的步伐。 我听说你平时是个 S 型人,这次为什么不试着片面地指责别人呢? 我会尽力帮你的。


In the interview, he gives off an S-like aura, but when he is blamed for something, he changes completely and starts moaning with pleasure... It's just too erotic to watch such a handsome guy put aside his shame and moan in agony.
在采访中,他给人一种 S 型人的感觉,但当他受到指责时,他就完全变了,开始发出愉悦的呻吟......看到这样一个英俊的男人收起羞耻,发出痛苦的呻吟,实在是太色情了。


She was begging to be fucked by the relentless and endless nettling! she pleaded. What will be the fate of this outstandingly styled, superbly handsome man?
The main model wears a mask in this movie.
无情的、无休止的、锥心刺骨的折磨让她苦苦哀求:"快让我射出来吧!!” 她恳求道。 这个造型出众、英俊潇洒的男人命运如何?

