MC45ZWY3ZmFiOS4zOGVkZTguNjRlZjQyNTM= ※ご購入後・評価レビュー投稿を完了すると、高画質版・ノーカットの動画をダウンロードするURLが発行されますが、リスクを低減する為、購入後にこちらで見れる動画は低画質版・カットシーン多数となっておりますのでご了承下さい。
After purchase, when you complete the evaluation review submission, you will be issued a URL to download the high-quality version / uncut video.
Please note that in order to reduce the risk of the video being leaked, the videos that can be viewed here after purchase are low-quality versions and many cutscenes.
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【動画詳細】Video details
video time:52分
frame rate:59.94/秒
file format:MP4
Performers have confirmed that they are over the age of 18 by ID verification.
The copyright of the work, the right to use the work, and the portrait right of the performers are comprehensively managed by the management company of the overseas corporation.
Viewing of the video is prohibited under the age of 18, and it is prohibited to provide, transfer, sell, etc. to a third party.
All uploads, etc. are done overseas, and if resale is discovered without permission, we will ask an international lawyer to deal with it strictly.
Please let me know if there are sites that upload without permission!
Thank you for your cooperation.
2023-11-16 11:36