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专为那些想看直男淫荡的人创建的新标签 [Onataring EX] CASE:55
A new label created just for those who want to see straight men's lasciviousness [Onataring EX] CASE:55
今回のイケメン男子は色白今風男子君^^♪ 公園で何やら携帯に夢中なところへさりげなく声掛け^^ 謝礼の出るアンケート参加に興味を示してさっそくルームへlet's go!!
This time it's a handsome white guy. He casually calls out to her when she is engrossed in something on her cell phone in the park. He shows interest in taking part in a survey that pays rewards, and we immediately go to the room to let's go!
这一次是一个英俊的白人男子。 当她在公园里全神贯注于手机上的东西时,他随手叫住了她。 他表示有兴趣参加一项提供奖励的调查,并立即到房间去让我们走吧!
I was able to get a good body check by asking her to fill out a simple erotic questionnaire. Long legs that looked good in slim pants, unbalanced abs in a pretty face.
我通过让她填写一份简单的色情问卷,能够很好地检查她的身体。 穿着细长裤的长腿很好看,漂亮的脸上有不平衡的腹肌。
なんと見た目と裏腹にボクシングをやっているとか!! モッコリしているパンツを脱がすと平常時でもなかなかデカい^^
What a surprise! Despite her appearance, she is a boxer! When she takes off her pants, which are very big, even when normal.
让人吃惊! 尽管她的外表,但她是一个拳击手!她的裤子很大! 当她脱下她的罩衫裤子时,即使在正常情况下,裤子也相当大。
チン測させてもらい、アナルもチェック♪ダメ元で「アナルにオモチャチャレンジしてくれたら謝礼倍増!」と打診すると意外にあっさり「やってみたいです!」と♪ みんなお金大好きです^^
He let me measure his penis and check his anus. I asked her if she would double my gratuity if she would let me insert a toy into her anus. She said, "I'd like to try it! I'd love to do it! Everyone loves money.
他被允许测量他的阴茎并检查他的肛门。 当我问她:"如果你让我把玩具放进你的肛门,我就把你的酬金加倍!" 她说:"我愿意做!"出乎意料的轻松。 我愿意做!"。每个人都喜欢钱。
ローションをたっぷり付け、ゆっくりイン♪ 意外と抵抗しない姿に変態スタッフは責めまくり…。もっと気持ち良くしてあげるから、と部屋を移動してじっくり責め♪
She puts on a lot of lotion and slowly inserts it. The perverted staff members blame her for not resisting. The perverted staff member moves from room to room, saying, "I'll make you feel even better," and slowly starts to torture her.
她涂上大量的乳液,慢慢地插进去。 变态的工作人员责怪她没有反抗。 工作人员从一个房间搬到另一个房间,说他会让她感觉更舒服,然后慢慢开始折磨她。
初の男責めなのにボリューミーなエロチンは終始ギンギンで感じまくるイケメン君^^ フェラされながら自ら乳首をコリコリいじり「あ〜ッ、気持ちいい〜、」と乱れる姿がエロ過ぎます^^
He is a handsome guy who feels a voluptuous penis from start to finish even though it is his first time to be tortured by a man. While being sucked, he plays with his own nipples and says, "Oh, that feels so good!
这是她第一次被男人操,但她从头到尾都感受到了他妖艳的阴茎。在被吸吮的同时,他玩弄着自己的乳头,说 "哦,感觉真好",这太色情了。
最後はパンパンに張った亀頭からドクドク濃厚精子を発射し恍惚の表情^^♪ 緊張しながらも最後まで頑張ってくれてありがとー♪
At the end, she shot a thick load of sperm and looked ecstatic. Thank you for working so hard to the end, even though you were nervous!
The main model is wearing a mask in this movie.
最后,她射出了浓稠的精子,看起来欣喜若狂。 谢谢你让我紧张并坚持到最后!!
2023-12-16 08:42