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18:32 | 2023-01-20 00:00:00


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【BOYS.BANK ツイッター】

『顔出し絶対NG!!』今回のシークレット男子は試合もTV中継されたことのある20歳の超本格アスリート大学生!! 全てを部活に捧げ、休みのない毎日の練習で女の子との経験はゼロ!日々オナニーだけで発散しているという超ピュア男子^^

This time, the secret male is a 20 year old college student who has had his games televised on TV! This time, our secret boy is a 20-year-old college student who is a serious athlete and whose games have been broadcast on TV! He devotes himself to his club activities and has no experience with girls because he practices everyday without a break! He says that he only masturbates everyday to get his mind off of it.
秘密男孩今年20岁,是非常严肃的运动员!他们的目标是成为一名出色的运动员。 这次的秘密男性是一个20岁的大学生,他的游戏曾在电视上播放过!他是个很有经验的人。他把一切都投入到他的俱乐部活动中,没有任何与女孩交往的经验,因为他每天都在练习,没有休息!他是个很好的人。 他说他每天只打手淫。

部活でバイトもままならず金欠のためご来店頂きました♪ 簡単な自己紹介を受け、まずはカラダチェックです^^服を着ていても分かるほどガッチリした体型ですが脱いでもらうと…。ヤバい!!まず上半身は太く逞しい上腕二頭筋!筋肉運動出来る分厚い胸筋!パンチしてもビクともしないカチカチの腹筋…。背中、広背筋もバッキバキです…惚。。

She came to our store because she was short of money due to club activities that prevented her from getting a part-time job. After a brief self-introduction, we started with a physical check. He had a firm body shape that was obvious even when he was wearing clothes, but when he took off his clothes, we found that he had thick and muscular biceps, thick pectoral muscles, firm abdominal muscles, back and broad back muscles, and a great deal of muscle tone.
她来到该店是因为她因社团活动而缺钱,无法做兼职。在简单的自我介绍后,我们开始进行身体检查。 她的体形强壮,即使穿着衣服也能看出来,而当她脱下衣服时,上身的肱二头肌厚实,肌肉发达,胸肌厚实,可以锻炼,腹部肌肉结实,背部和宽大的背肌也很好。


And what is extraordinary is the lower half of the body! She has a nice ass and great thighs to support this body. How many centimeters are they? It's so thick, you'd be surprised! Four palms of the hand can't even go around it. And they are all hard and muscular. I got an erection just by touching her thighs.
而不寻常的是她的下半身! 她有一个漂亮的屁股和伟大的大腿来支撑这个身体。 它们有多少厘米? 它是如此的厚实,你会感到惊讶! 你可以有四个手掌,它们甚至不会转圈。 而且他们都很硬,肌肉发达。 我仅仅通过触摸她的大腿就勃起了,因为它们是如此的色情。


I heard that his friends in his club are all muscular like him, and I would like you to introduce them to him. He has such a perfect super body, but it is a pity that we cannot show you his face. The imbalance between his slightly childish face and this super body is just too erotic.
当我问他时,他说他俱乐部里的朋友都有类似的肌肉,我很愿意被介绍给他们。 他有这样一个完整的超级身体,但很遗憾我们不能给你看他的脸,他是这样一个现代男孩。 他略带**气的脸和这个超级身体之间的不平衡实在是太色情了。

ボディチェックも一通りさせてもらい早速本題へ^^!普段のオナニーではあまり使わないというオナホとエロDVDをいくつか渡し選んでもらっていると…なんだかパンツの前がモッコリ笑 DVD流す前から半勃起しちゃって恥ずかしがってるウブな姿がめちゃカワイイ笑

After a quick body check, we get right down to business! She was so cute that she got a little erection even before the DVD started playing and she was so shy.
在快速检查身体后,我们开始做正事! 她非常可爱和害羞,甚至在DVD开始播放之前,她就有点勃起了。


The skin of the penis is gradually peeled off, and it is still pink and full of virginity. The hardened penis is inserted into the masturbation hole.
阴茎逐渐剥落,仍然是粉红色的,充满了处女情结。 坚硬的阴茎被插入自慰孔中。

段々と高まってくると「ハァ、ア〜ッ」と切なくも可愛い声が漏れ…さらに激しく擦り、オナホの刺激の気持ち良さに自分のぶっ太い太腿を鷲掴みしながら喘ぎ声が大きくなり「あ〜ヤバい、はぁ〜キモチいー!」「アッ、アッいっちゃう〜!! !!」と胸筋、腹筋、太腿をビクビクガチガチにさせながら部屋中に充満するほど匂い立つ濃厚精子をブッ放してくれました^^

She rubbed herself harder and harder, and the stimulation of the masturbation hole made her moan louder and louder as she clutched her thick thighs and said, "Ahhhhh, it feels so good! Ahhh, ahhh! and the thick sperm that smells so much that it fills the room.
她的声音渐渐漏出了悲伤而可爱的气息,她更加卖力地揉搓着,呻吟声也越来越大,她抓着自己粗壮的大腿,感受着自慰洞刺激的美好。"啊,哈哈~感觉好极了!" 啊啊啊! '和浓稠的精液,气味如此之大,充满了整个房间。

「もっと色々なオナホを試したかったけど我慢できませんでした…」との事で色々なオナホお土産にしてあげました笑。 次は童貞卒業検定に来てもらおっかなぁ〜^^♪

I gave her various masturbation holes as souvenirs, saying, "I wanted to try more masturbation holes, but I couldn't resist. Next time, let's have her come for the virginity graduation test.
The main model is wearing a mask in this film.
'我想尝试更多的自慰孔,但我忍不住了',所以我把各种自慰孔送给她作为纪念品。 下一次,我们会让她来参加处女膜的毕业测试。


Reviews (1)

  • 54D******
    2023-01-22 12:08

