今回は「モニタリンG」No.19、「オナタリング」No.05で大人気の色黒サッカー部男子カズ君のアナルを狙っちゃう企画^^♪ 相変わらずエロいカラダにキリッとした超男前^^!まずはボディチェックから♪
这一次,我们要去找Kazu的肛门,这个黑皮肤的足球俱乐部男孩在《Monitalin G》第19期和《Onatalin》第05期中非常受欢迎。他仍然有一个色情的身体和一张英俊的脸。 我们从检查身体开始。
This time, she is going after the anus of Kazu, a dark-skinned soccer club boy who was very popular in "Monitalin G" No.19 and "Onataring" No.05. He still has an erotic body and a handsome face. We start with a body check.

美妙的色情身体,皮肤黝黑,肌肉训练有素。 绷紧的胸肌,紧实的腹肌! 她的下半身太色情了!
Deliciously erotic body with tanned skin and well-trained muscles. Taut pecs, tight abs! Her lower body is way too erotic too!

这一次,她也是第一次在肛门上涂抹乳液,同时用口交让他感觉良好。 起初是缓慢地,从她的手指开始。
This time, too, she gets into the mood and applies lotion to the anus for the first time while making him feel good with a blow job. I start slowly with my fingers.

最初はキツかったアナルも時間を掛けてほぐしていくとだんだんトロトロに、、ガマン汁なんかも 笑 そこでオモチャでグリグリ笑「あーヤバっ、うー変な感じ、」とカラダをよじりながら悶えるカズ君^^
肛门部位起初很紧,随着时间的推移,逐渐变得柔软起来。 她的阴部汁液也在不断涌出。当我用一个成人玩具责备他时,Kazu-kun就会蠕动和扭动身体。
The anus, which was tight at first, gradually became tender as I took time to loosen it up. His pussy juice was also coming out. When I blamed him with an adult toy, he writhed and wriggled his body.

最後はアナルにオモチャを奥まで入れながら「これヤバっ笑、イッちゃいそう…イッちゃう!」とせつない声をあげながらカラダをヒクつかせ大量射精!! ドピュ!ドピュ!ドピュ!何度も飛び散る濃厚精子!エロ過ぎるー笑。
最后,她大量射精,同时将玩具深入到她的肛门里,并大叫 "这太糟糕了,我要来了,我要来了"。 浓稠的精液一次又一次地飞溅出来! 太色情了。
At the end, she ejaculates a lot while putting the toy deep inside her anus and saying "This is so bad, I'm going to come, I'm going to come". The thick sperm splatters over and over again! It is too erotic.

放心状態のカズ君を更にグリグリ亀頭責め♪ 敏感になりすぎて…。もちろん精子の匂いと味チェック。口の中にベットリ絡みつく生臭くも少し甘い味♪
进一步折磨和君的龟头,使其处于释放状态。 当然,也要检查精子的气味和味道。 缠绕在口中的新鲜气味,但有一点甜味。
Kazu is in a state of lethargy, and he is further tortured by the glans. Of course, the smell and taste of sperm are also checked. It tastes a little sweet, but it smells fresh.

再次看到男子汉大丈夫的和君的淫威,很是满足。 现在我想看看他和一个女孩进行激烈的性爱!
It was very satisfying to see the manly Kazu-kun's lasciviousness again. Now I'd like to see him have some hardcore sex with a girl!

The main model also wears a mask in this film.
2022-11-08 04:01