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Personal record video leaked #149
Very nice that no need to wait too long before another new popular title of our most beloved series.
Just fyi that I'll be uploading the old titles that went offline in the coming months, so stay tuned please.
For this video the young virgin girl tried very hard with him to open a new world to her.
They actually tried twice in this video from two days consecutively.
First night she was in the bed with full naked body and he grabbed her to put her on top and started to kiss her.
The foreplay was too short and I think she wasn't wet enough hence it wasn't able to put her down to the dick.
The next day, he changed the strategy by using only the missionary as for virgin this should be the best and only way.
But still after a long and changing attempt, he still failed to penetrate her. Though she was very sad and unhappy.
He must had felt the same desperate. They both were down emotionally and accepted this sad fate.
2022-02-17 22:11最高です